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About Us

The school provides an atmosphere that is fun and dynamic, sophisticated and academically challenging, while embracing a reputation for high artistic merit.

Performance opportunities are vital for students training to dance classically. It is the fundamental aim of this school to produce dancers who are gifted performers. Providing a structure and venue appropriate for the performing requirements of the school, Island Youth Ballet was founded in 1998. While the classroom drills the point-less seeming steps and positions necessary for a correct technique, it is in performance that color, light, and spectacle transforms the work of the day.

IYB is dedicated to the preservation of classical traditions and to that which is innovative and expansive. IYB fosters its dancers to be interpreters of the ballet and to continuously explore the role and music and its relationship to dance and its dancers.

Watch Ms. Susan tell the story

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Copyright © 2023 Island Youth Ballet. All Rights Reserved.

Island Youth Ballet (I Y B) is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1998 to sponsor high quality performance opportunities for students enrolled in the Children's Dance Conservatory as well artists from the broader community.  IYB is committed to the traditions and excellence that classical ballet provides in the expansive arena of live theatre.  


From Intermediate FDTN onwards students are eligible to train within the Conservatory Division becoming a member of IYB.  IYB members are required to enter for annual R.A.D. examinations and the Fall/Spring elective performances.

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