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The Founder

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CDC founder Susan Valencia directed The Civic Contemporary Dance Theatre (CCDT) in Portland Oregon during the seventies. This organization, a parks and recreation Dance center and school, presented original works for city wide cultural and performance events. Prominent master teachers and professionals regularly held workshops for the CCTD. Ms. Valencia worked with professionals from the Martha Graham School of contemporary Dance, The Charles Weidman Dance Company, the Portland Opera and many other local artists and professionals during her tenure there.


Ms. Valencia’s formative training was exclusively in classical ballet. During her college years at the University of Oregon where she earned BA in Dance, Ms. Valencia twice interrupted her schooling to train and dance in NYC. Later Ms. Valencia went on to do graduate work at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City continuing to develop her skill and knowledge in both modern dance and classical ballet.


Ms. Valencia’s expertise was further developed through her affiliation and accreditation with the Royal Academy of Dance (R.A.D.), during the late eighties and early nineties.  After six years of study and examinations, Miss Valencia received her TC and TC Diploma.  This enabled her to promote and provide the highest possible standards for teaching classical ballet within her own school as well as becoming  an R.A.D. faculty member for the Preparatory Division, Cornish College of the Arts.



Jennifer Ramsey-Coles

  • Ballet Mistress

  •  Classical Ballet/Point

  • Performance

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Natalia Skvortsova 

  • Classical Ballet/Pointe ARAD

  • Coaching 



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Copyright © 2023 Island Youth Ballet. All Rights Reserved.

Island Youth Ballet (I Y B) is a nonprofit corporation formed in 1998 to sponsor high quality performance opportunities for students enrolled in the Children's Dance Conservatory as well artists from the broader community.  IYB is committed to the traditions and excellence that classical ballet provides in the expansive arena of live theatre.  


From Intermediate FDTN onwards students are eligible to train within the Conservatory Division becoming a member of IYB.  IYB members are required to enter for annual R.A.D. examinations and the Fall/Spring elective performances.

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